Strava “Challenges”, April 16, to be updated (with April 800kms or 1250kms/month?)

Update 26 April: I am not going to make the 800kms by risking a tendinopathy. This month it was more a question of general time-management than anything else. There is a lot of wisdom in this:

Training Errors and Other Causes of Tendinopathy in Runners

Last Updated April 24, 2020by Howard J. Luks, MD

Encore un peu plus de patience…

s’il vous plait…audio .mp3 “en père peinard”

Sporting résumé

12 Sep.2019: complete change of priority to muscle-power and muscle-strength, i.e. how many kilos per seconds can I…(not kms, m+ per hrs)?

20 Sep: Race in Zwift in November? after my Zwift while-watching-the-rugby world-cup training.


utmb-logo_1On the 30-31 August, 2019, I was finisher of the UTMB-CCC 101km, 6100m+,, starting in Courmayeur(Italy) through Champex-Lac(Switzerland) arriving in Chamonix(France). The UTMB® has become known as the “World’s Summit of Trail Running”: 3 countries. 7 races. 100 nationalities. 10,000 runners. 25,678 applicants.

CCC-“little sister of the UTMB” though one of the world’s most prestigious trail races in its own right, Starters: 2132; Finishers: 1578; DNF (did not finish): 554. The Mount Blanc massif must be one of the most beautiful and accessible in the world, with the best view from the Italian section. Each runner had the option of wearing their name and flag on their backpack so I got lucky with a few spontaneous interesting conversations, as well as at Registration. There were so many Asians, and I got a curious sense of kinship struggling with them, despite probably knowing at most just a few words of their language. Some brave Asian ladies there!

Results/videos in “RANKING” of ->my bib #5728: 25hrs 5mins 1258th of 2132

I frustratingly lost hours of time due to runner traffic-jams that started after 3-4km, including literally standing still for 10 to 15 minutes (just three skipped the queue, to a chorus of raucous (from the French) boos & jeers) and then doing my slowest two-hours climbing in years. I should have started fast until the narrow paths.

(Photo: last-minute dynamic stretches before the start of the 3rd & final wave at, the chic and tranquil, Courmayeur, Italy)WhatsApp Image 2019-08-30 at 09.12.16Later my overtaking most likely speeded-up a resurgence of an ITB-Syndrome (Runners Knee) that I got for the first time in July, as overtaking on narrow paths almost always involved quick sprints (and an “excusi/pa(e)rdon/excuse-me”) over very uneven terrain. You can see I overtook 178 in two-hours from La Fouly to Champex-Lac when the path was level and EDS1hKXXsAAePEnwide enough. I overtook 150+ going up Les Tseppes as I had followed on-the-heels of someone who pressured his way through slow-movers in a world of their own, of tiredness. This helped make-up 30mins I spent with a physio in Trient (“Merci, merci, merci” for the efficacy & the advice(to continue), and to the DJ’s humour and improvisation at 3 a.m.!) who strapped the ITB band tight against the knee to stop it rubbing the inflamed bursa at every downhill step, but the steepest descents were behind me in any case. In Chamonix I ran the last kilometre in 4m5s, on the flat, and raised a few cheers.

With the 5-points from the UTMB-CCC I have qualified for the draw for the UTMB in 2020.52019065 There must be something very unhealthy1 about not sleeping for two nights; not to mention running 171km (over 100 miles) and 10,000m+.


My ITB-Syndrome is a strange injury (I’ve a month ahead of foam rolling/icing/bicycle/swimming/running on the flat, before a complete cure) in that I could run pain-free going uphill and on the relatively flat, but downhill (e.g. steeper than -5°) it could be very painful (i.e. I walked the 2kms down to Trient!). Runners were looking at me oddly as I would have fought nail and tooth to beat them up a slope only to pull aside to let them pass going downhill while doing acrobatics on my poles to lessen the discomfort.

Previously, on 22 July I got repeatedly attacked (while on 38km of a 44km run) by horseflies who didn’t seem to mind the full-strength DEET, and after a minute of swatting and running I did a hyper-extension of my left knee and missed three weeks of prime training time. The 2nd morning after the UTMB-CCC race I could have gone for a 5km run, with almost zero muscular pain.

(1) Longer Leukocyte Telomeres Are Associated with Ultra-Endurance Exercise Independent of Cardiovascular Risk Factors Taken together these data suggest that regular engagement in ultra-endurance aerobic exercise attenuates cellular aging.

Screenshot 2019-09-05 at 20.30.42

Screenshot 2019-08-20 at 21.38.01

VO₂ max 60 (Garmin) on the bike, 20 August, 2019.

Audible books I bought for while doing sport

Skull Candy Method Wireless blue-tooth headphones. The womens size gives me a tight-fit around the neck for jumping-around sports. I can embed the ear-piece wire into the plastic frame, useful when using just one ear-piece.

Breaking News : Alan Rusbridger

The Third Pillar: How Markets and the State Leave the Community Behind : Raghuram Rajan

The Future Is Asian: Global Order in the Twenty-First Century : Parag Khanna

Possible Minds: Twenty-Five Ways of Looking at AI : John Brockman

Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup : John Carreyrou

Hello World: How to Be Human in the Age of the Machine : Hannah Fry

Taming the Sun: Innovations to Harness Solar Energy and Power the Planet: Varun Sivaram

Imagine It Forward: Courage, Creativity, and the Power of Change : Beth Comstock, Tahl Raz

(instantly regretted buying this and haven’t read anything)
(I only got to chapter 5 so far; one of the only books I had to put at normal speed and kept having to rewind, and there is a lot of banking system technicalities that still went over my head). It seemed to me to be very intellectually rigorous with vast range of knowledge and was very original in that at the same time he didn’t pull any punches while being critical of The Establishment. A true European and a caring empathetic individual, and with a brain. He would be a great asset to the climate/survivalist movement, e.g. if he wrote on sustainable finance. I will continue on to chapter 6. I could buy it on Kindle and look up all the jargon and references but…
a paroxysm of British “superiority” at the end

Audible Wish-lists

April 16, 2019 Trillion Dollar Coach: The Leadership Playbook of Silicon Valley’s Bill Campbell, Eric Schmidt, Jonathan Rosenberg, Alan Eagle

Amazon books bought and in wishlists

Just back from walking up 1,000m and near the top I decided now would be a good time to share books that I had bought on Amazon Kindle and Audible, and others in my wishlists. I am just getting started now. There a very few fiction books in this list out of necessity (none in English I guess?). I emphasise that “bought” does not mean “read”. See separate Audible-list post.

(31st December – The Globalist: Peter Sutherland – His Life and Legacy. I read this in two days)

Amazon Kindle

Jonathan Portes
Jornet i Burgada, Kilian
Martin Ford
Carlos Domingo
Varun Sivaram
Varun Sivaram
Mariana Mazzucato
Alberto Alemanno
Hans Rosling, Ola Rosling, Rosling Rönnlund, Anna
Al Gore
Javier Muñoz Abela
Jaime Álvarez Cascos
Andrew McAfee, Erik Brynjolfsson (In know I can take these “guys”)
Garry Kasparov
Michael Lew
Case Christopher J., Mandrola Dr. John, Zinn Lennard
Tse PhD., Terence C.M., Esposito PhD., Mark
Clair Davies, Amber Davies
Warren Buffett
Joanna Zeiger
Jay Dicharry
Rich Roll
Steve Magness
Andrew S. Grove
Andrew S. Grove
Eric von Hippel
Francisco García Paramés
Jordan Metzl, Claire Kowalchik
Christopher McDougall
Allen Hunter (very important book)
Don Fink
Honoré de Balzac
Gabriel García Márquez
Fiódor Dostoyevski
Victor Hugo
Michael Rank
Pierre Kosciusko-morizet
Derval O’Rourke
Erik Brynjolfsson, Andrew McAfee
Timothy Geithner
Ed Catmull
Emily Brontë (taught by one of my best teachers ever, who incidentally picked on me (only me) as I had the misfortune of getting caught a few times not learning-off lines upon lines by rote. That was unfortunate, especially as I generally did the homework)
Ben Horowitz (the importance of being tough and fair, and continuosly giving feeback to let people know where they stand)
Richard Aldous (enormous worker, tragic character in some ways, the Irish banks wanted to kill him and he dodged it and Ryanair was born; personality-wise he was much more suave than O’Leary)
Jeffery Pfeffer (Stanford prof.)
Tim Clissold
Jim Collins, Dan Brickman (had my doubts)
Walter Kiechel (one of the most interesting books I’ve ever read and bursts a few b-school “strategy” myths). I have to mention Robert M. Grant’s “Contemporary Strategy Analysis and Cases: Text and Cases 7th Edition” I read a 70-50% of the Text part, a compilation of Strategy theory and practice (not the mythical-models).
by Philip Auerswald
by Biz Stone
by Geoffrey A. Moore

Investing WishList: (havent bought and maybe they are nonsense?):
by Martin Zweig, Morrie Goldfischer
by Philip A. Fisher
by Howard Marks, Paul Johnson
by Peter D. Kaufman, Ed Wexler

Wrote Azcárraga Jean-CEO Televisa case with the (then) Dean(CEOish) of IE Business School.

Co-author, 2010: IE Documentation

( ) (Open Multimedia is now for-pay, since Sep. 2016)
• “Emilio Azcárraga (CEO), La transformación de Grupo Televisa”, (wrote it in Spanish)
(Largest Spanish-language media company by Mkt Cap, $14 billion Dec 2010).

Interviews were all in Spanish and the case involves an in-depth study of the subtleties of the Mexican media and telecommunications markets, and portrays the convergence of several industries.

This case details the story of Emilio Azcárraga Jean, President and CEO of Televisa Group. It focuses on events since 1997 when Emilio, following on from his father, took over the Televisa Group.

The multimedia case involves over 30 graphs, and several videos of interviews.

Multimedia case was presented by Mr. Azcárraga Jean himself at the the Alumni Forum 2011


BBVA business case (with multimedia link), in which I had a significant part in writing, including interviews etc.

Authors:  Santiago Iñiguez,  Bryan O’Loughlin,  Andreas Richter
Code: DE1-166-M   /   DE1-166-I-M
Type: Case study
Publication date: 2009
Estimated time: 90′
Languages available: Spanish and English

The case illustrates the leadership style of BBVA´s chairman and CEO, Francisco González , which is characterized by permanent innovation and change based on new technologies, in one of the largest global banks in the world. The multimedia case shows this leadership approach with the help of video interviews with Francisco González and his closest collaborators.
